Trustee Services
The role of a trust
Whether it involves aging parents or a loved one with special needs, placing the assets into the appropriate type of trust can be vital. Trusts allow for the protection of funds to be used to care for your loved one. However, with a trust, the assets are managed by a trustee instead of going straight to the beneficiaries. In addition, a trust can also allow for asset protection during life and after death.
How Navigator Fiduciary Serves You
No matter the type of trust, a trustee has a fiduciary responsibility. The trustee is legally required to work in the best interests of the trust and its beneficiary. Navigator Fiduciary frequently works as a trustee to ensure that the trust intentions are met to support the needs of beneficiaries, including those who are aging and those with special needs.
Why choose someone else as a trustee?
The right trustee deeply understands financial, legal, and administrative matters. The role of the trustee can also be time-consuming and demanding. Focusing on your family's needs means that choosing an experienced trustee can make a lot of sense for you while honoring the needs of trust beneficiaries.
An ongoing role
Once appointed, our team oversees inventorying and securing the trust property. We have a history of serving as fiduciaries for many clients. Rest assured, we carry out these responsibilities with utmost care and adherence to the wishes and legal requirements governing the trust.
We partner with attorneys
Navigator Fiduciary works with local attorneys to draft an effective plan to protect and distribute the properties, maximizing the benefits that beneficiaries may receive and pro the assets.